
Here you will find information on our group's advocacy and awareness building efforts and useful tips to help you get involved and informed.

Attend CUSD Board Meetings

The CUSD Governing Board meets regularly and each board meeting has a public comment session in which parents and community members can make our voices heard. Check out CUSD’s 2023 board meeting schedule here. To give a public comment:

  1. On agendized items, you are not required to fill out a yellow speaker card; anyone wishing to speak on an agenda item shall come forward when that agenda item is called.
  2. On non-agendized items, you can speak at the completion of the entire agenda by queuing behind the podium and state your name and city prior to speaking.

You may also submit your comments to the Board in writing at

Resources for Parents and Community:

  1. General resources: CFER's resources page
  2. District-level resources: 2022-23 Annual Notification of Parental Rights and Responsibilities

How to Make A Public Records Request?

An individual (parent, community member, taxpayer, etc.) or organization can make formal requests for school records (curriculum, emails, recordings…) pursuant to the California Public Records Act. California Law requires that the school district reply within 10 days.

In CUSD, a public records request (PRA) can be made to Kami McElligott at the Public Records Act Request Center via email to

What Should I Do About Age-Inappropriate School Books?

  • Let us know the book titles, their locations in CUSD (classroom, library…) and your concerns about them.
  • Contact CUSD Learning Department with the information.
  • Coordinate with fellow parents and community members to attend school board meetings to voice your objections.